Jerónima Miralles Xamena


Publicacions a destacar


Development and evaluation of a low intensity, multifaceted, digital health intervention to prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus in the primary care setting: the PREDIABETEXT study.

Codi: SYN20/04
Abast del Projecte: Nacional
Entitat finançadora: Institut d’Investigación Sanitaria Illes Balears (IdISBa)
Investigador Principal: Ignacio Ricci Cabello (IP), Escarlata Angullo Martínez (Co-IP)
Data d’inici: 2021
Data fi: 2022

Effectiveness and cost utility of a cognitive behavioral intervention in the consultation of nurses and primary care physicians for the treatment of persistent insomnia.

Codi: PI19/00029
Abast del Projecte: Nacional
Entidad finançadora: Institut de Salut Carlos III
Investigador Principal: Susana González Torrente (IP), Isabel Torrens Darder (Co-IP)
Data d’inici: 2019
Data fi: 2021

Chronic pluripatological patient. Impact of nursing care in the chronic complex patient on the dependence, perceived satisfaction and overload of the caregiver, in Cantabria and the Balearic Islands.

Abast del Projecte: Nacional Entitatat finançadora: Institut de Salut Carlos III Investigador Principal: Jesús Molina, Julia Gallo Data d’inici: 2017 Data fi: 2020

Efficacy of Exercise OTAGO Program applied in group format versus individual in the probability of falling down of people no institutionalized between 65 to 80 years old.

Codi: PI16/01316
Abast del Projecte: Nacional
Entitat finançadora: Institut de Salut Carlos III
Investigadora Principal: Jerónima Miralles Xamena
Data d’inici: 2017
Data fi: 2019