About GRAPP-caIB
The Preventive Activities and Promotion Research Group (GRAPP-caIB) is a group of the Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands (IdISBa).
Who We Are
The Preventive Activities and Promotion Research Group (GRAPP-caIB) is a group of the Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands (IdISBa) that belongs to the research area of public health, epidemiology, clinical practice, and healthcare services.
It has been accredited and funded since 2003 by the Carlos III Health Institute and is also part of the RETIC RICORS, as well as the CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP). The group is composed of 28 researchers from various professional fields such as medicine, nursing, psychology, biology, biochemistry, political science, statistics, and pharmacy. Its mission is to generate valid knowledge on the efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency of innovative interventions in prevention and health promotion and transfer this knowledge to professionals, especially those in primary care and public health, healthcare managers, and citizens. The research conducted, in cancer, cardiovascular risk factors, and other aspects of prevention and promotion, is highly applied: the knowledge generated is transferred to public health or primary care clinical practice. In our research studies, we use various methodologies, thus combining quantitative and qualitative research (mixed methods). Through surveys, interviews, and focus groups, we involve society in our projects. In this way, we carry out transdisciplinary research, in which we engage different stakeholders in the design of our projects and also communicate our results to the interested group.
Research Lines
The mission of GRAPP-caIB is to generate valid knowledge on the efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency of innovative interventions in prevention and health promotion and transfer it to citizens and professionals.
The main research lines of the group are:
1. Health determinants, lifestyle, and promotion
2. Healthcare services and patient safety
3. Epidemiology and cardiovascular risk reduction
4. Cancer: Epidemiology, prevention, care
5. Clinical research in primary care
6. Nursing care
7. Childhood and environment

The Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands (IdISBa) was created on December 23, 2013.
It is composed of the Son Espases University Hospital, the Primary Care sector of Mallorca, the University Institute of Health Sciences Research (IUNICS), the Son Llàtzer Hospital, and the Blood and Tissue Bank Foundation of the Balearic Islands. All of them contribute human capital, which allows increasing the critical research mass and fostering collaborations for the development of research projects between services and professionals in the healthcare sector. IdISBa has been awarded the ‘HR Excellence in Research’ recognition by the European Commission, certifying it as a research center committed to the continuous improvement of its human resources policies; an international provider of scientific work in an environment conducive and stimulating for the development of a research career, in accordance with the principles of “Charter & Code” (European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers), adopted by the EU in 2005.
IdISBa is committed to excellence in research and the promotion of technology and knowledge transfer to healthcare services and industries. Furthermore, it asserts that these goals cannot be achieved without the promotion and attraction of exceptional scientific talent. Consequently, IdISBa adopted the “Charter and Code” in August 2015 and, by doing so, committed to aligning its policies and practices with the recommendations of the European Commission, aiming to provide a stimulating and favorable working environment for researchers, allowing for their growth and professional development. (For more information, please consult the Human Resources page of IdISBa). On the other hand, IdISBa complies with Decree 17/2019, of March 15, 2019, which approves the Statute of Research Staff, specifying that health research institutes, within the framework of existing labor regulations, must provide their workers with measures that facilitate the reconciliation of work and family life, including the possibility of reducing working hours, remote work, and flexible schedules (Decree on Research Career). You can follow our job offers on the IdISBa Human Resources department page.
Study with us

Training researchers at all stages
At GRAPP-caIB, we have extensive experience and interest in training researchers at all stages, from undergraduate students to postdoctoral researchers. At the doctoral level, we collaborate with the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) in various doctoral programs, especially in the Doctoral Program in Global Health, Healthcare Services, and Social Healthcare. In the last five years, we have supervised more than ten theses, with excellent results in all of them. Additionally, through agreements with both the UIB and other universities, we supervise master’s theses, as well as final-year degree projects and training placements. In collaboration with the Teaching Unit of the Primary Care Management of Mallorca, we train Family Medicine residents (R3 and R4) in research every year. If you are interested in studying with us, please request more information through this form.
Participate in our studies

Involving people in research
The type of research conducted at GRAPP-caIB is highly focused on improving people’s health. For this reason, in order to carry out our studies, we work closely with individuals (both healthy and those with specific health issues), who represent the groups we aim to help.
There are different ways in which you can collaborate in our research:
· Participation as a study subject, both in clinical trials and in studies through surveys or discussion groups (also called focus groups), among others. It is important to note that all our studies have been approved by both the Primary Care Research Committee and the Ethics Committee of the Balearic Islands.
· Participation in workshops or outreach events, aimed at sharing and discussing the knowledge gained as a result of our research with the public/society. Some of the events we often participate in include the European Researchers’ Night, Science Day, and International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
· Involvement as a non-scientific actor. At GRAPP-caIB, we collaborate with members of society, who participate in the design, execution, and dissemination of the results of our studies. This involves conducting research “with” or “by” patients or members of society, rather than exclusively “on” or “for” them. Participation at this level is important to carry out studies that are truly relevant to the interests of society. This allows new research ideas to emerge. It is also a way to ensure that our research focuses on what truly matters to people.
Would you like to participate in our studies? Contact us through this form, and we will get in touch with you shortly.

Do you want to collaborate with health research being conducted in the Balearic Islands?
At IdISBa, we work to effectively translate research advancements into improvements in population health. Today's research is tomorrow's medicine, and societal support is a key element for this development.
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