Patricia Lorente Montalvo

Medical Technician at the Quality Office of the Technical-Assistance Office of the Health Service of the Balearic Islands

Specialist in Family and Community Medicine (2000) and Doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Master’s in Medical Clinic, Master’s in Nutrition, and Master’s in Primary Care Research from UAB. Family doctor at the Calvià health center of the Primary Care Management of Mallorca (2003-2019). I was Head of Studies at the Family and Community Medicine Teaching Unit of Mallorca (UDMFyC) (2009-2011), tutor for Family and Community Medicine residents, and president of the Advisory Committee of the UDMFyC of Mallorca, as well as a member of the teaching and specialized training committees of several university hospitals, and reviewer and member of the Continuing Education Commission of the General Directorate of Accreditation and Evaluation of the Balearic Islands and the Research Commission of the Primary Care Management of Mallorca. I am a member of the Institute of Health Research of the Balearic Islands. I have participated in the coordination, design, and evaluation of numerous research projects and in co-directing master’s theses and doctoral dissertations in the field of primary health care, especially on topics related to cardiovascular risk factors and sleep disorders. The pandemic has also given me the opportunity to research diagnostic tests for detecting SARS-CoV-2.

Highlighted Publications

Unda Villafuerte, Fabián MD; Llobera Cànaves, Joan MD; Lorente- Montalvo, Patricia MD; Moreno Sancho, María Lucía BN; Oliver Oliver, Bartolomé Bs; Bassante Flores, Patricia MD; Estela Mantolan, Andreu MD; Pou Bordoy, Joan MD; Rodríguez Ruiz, Tomás MD; Requena Hernández, Ana BN; Leiva, Alfonso PhD; Torrent Quetglas, Matíes MD; Coll Benejam, José María MD,k; D’Agosto Forteza, Pilar Bscl; Rigo Carratalà, Fernando MD; and the Medichy Group Effectiveness of a multifactorial intervention, consisting of self-management of antihypertensive medication, self-measurement of blood pressure, hypocaloric and low sodium diet, and physical exercise, in patients with uncontrolled hypertension taking 2 or more antihypertensive drugs, Medicine: April 2020 – Volume 99 – Issue 17 – p e19769 doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000019769. Bulilete O, Lorente P, Leiva A, et al. Panbio™ rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2 has acceptable accuracy in symptomatic patients in primary health care. The Journal of Infection. 2021 Mar;82(3):391-398. DOI: 10.1016/j.jinf.2021.02.014. PMID: 33592253; PMCID: PMC7881288. Isabel Torrens, Rosemary Arguelles, Patricia Lorente-Montalvo, Carlos Molero-Alfonso, Magdalena Esteva. Prevalencia de insomnio y características de la población insomne de una zona básica de salud de Mallorca (España). Atención Primaria. Volume 51, Issue 10, December 2019, Pages 617-625. Isabel Torrens, Magdalena Esteva, Caterina Vicens, María Rosa Pizá-Portell, María Clara Vidal-Thomàs, Cristina Vidal-Ribas, Patricia Lorente-Montalvoy Elena Torres-Solera. Assessing the feasibility and acceptability of a cluster-randomized study of cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia in a primary care setting. BMC Fam Pract 22, 77 (2021). Rullán, M., Bulilete, O., Leiva, A. Soler A, Roca A, González-Bals MJ, Lorente P, Llobera J y PHN group. Efficacy of gabapentin for prevention of postherpetic neuralgia: study protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial. Trials 18, 24 (2017).


Effectiveness of self-management of medication, self-monitoring of blood pressure, diet and physical exercise in reducing blood pressure in patients with difficult control (MEDICHY).

Code: PI17/02108
Project Scope: National
Funding Entity: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Principal Investigator: Fabián Unda Villafuerte
Start Date: 2018
End Date: 2020

Effectiveness and cost utility of a cognitive behavioral intervention in the consultation of nurses and primary care physicians for the treatment of persistent insomnia

Code: PI19/00029
Project Scope: National
Funding Entity: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Principal Investigator: Susana González Torrens (IP), Isabel Torrens Darder (Co-IP)
Start Date: 2020
End Date: 2022

Prevalencia de la hipertensión arterial resistente en Palma de Mallorca y porcentajes de tratamientos óptimos y subóptimos.

Project Scope: Local
Funding Entity: Primary Care Management of Mallorca
Principal Investigator: Fabián Unda Villafuerte
Start Date: 2015
End Date: 2017

Double-blind randomized clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of gabapentin versus placebo in the prevention of postherpetic neuralgia.

Code: PI12/01813
Project Scope: National
Funding Entity: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Principal Investigator: Oana Bulilete
Start Date: 2013
End Date: 2016

Efficacy of an intervention based on strategies that improve adherence to pharmacological treatment in reducing blood pressure levels in uncontrolled hypertensive patients with low treatment adherence.

Code: PS09/01456
Alcance del Proyecto: National
Funding Entity: SNS and Mateu Orfila Foundation
Principal Investigator: Alfonso Leiva Rus
Start Date: 2010
End Date: 2014