Xènia Chela Álvarez

Research Support Technique

I hold a degree in Political Science and Administration (2003), a Master’s in Public and Social Policies from Pompeu Fabra University (2005), and a Master’s in Women, Gender, and Citizenship Studies from the University of Barcelona (2012). I am currently a PhD candidate at the University of the Balearic Islands. As a researcher, my work has focused on various areas, from social sciences to health sciences, but the central theme has always been social inequalities: socio-economic, origin-based, gender-related, etc. Methodologically, I have extensive experience in qualitative research.

Highlighted Publications

Llobera Cifre, R., Ferrer Pérez, V. A.; Chela Àlvarez, X (2019). Violencia obstétrica: la perspectiva de las mujeres que la han sufrido, en Investigaciones feministas 10.1, 167-184. https://doi.org/10.5209/infe.60886. Chela-Alvarez, X.; Bulilete, O.; García-Buades, M.E.; Ferrer-Perez, V.A.; Llobera-Canaves, J. (2021) Perceived Factors of Stress and Its Outcomes among Hotel Housekeepers in the Balearic Islands: A Qualitative Approach from a Gender Perspective.

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health , 18, 52. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18010052.


Housekeeping staff and health.

Code: ITS 17-096 Project Scope: Local Funding Entity: Government of the Balearic Islands. II Call for Grants from the Sustainable Tourism Tax Principal Investigator: Joan Llobera Cànaves Start Date: 2018 End Date: 2022

DESVELA Cohort. Analysis of the role of personal skills as determinants of the incidence of morbidity, lifestyles, quality of life, use of services and mortality.

Code: PI19/01868 Project Scope: National Funding Entity: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Principal Investigator: Joan Llobera Cànaves Start Date: 2019 End Date: 2023