Grapp-CAIB genera conocimientos válidos de la eficacia y eficiencia de intervenciones innovadoras en prevención y promoción de la salud.
La misión del Grapp-CAIB es generar conocimientos válidos de la eficacia, efectividad y eficiencia de intervenciones innovadoras en prevención y promoción de la salud y transferirlas a los ciudadanos y a los profesionales, especialmente los de atención primaria, salud pública y los gestores de servicios sanitarios.
La investigación que lleva a cabo en cáncer, factores de riesgo cardiovasculares y otros aspectos de prevención-promoción, es muy aplicada: los conocimientos generados se transfieren a la salud pública o a la clínica de atención primaria.
Principales líneas de investigación
1. Determinantes de la salud, estilos de vida saludables y promoción de hábitos saludables.
A través de esta línea de investigación se pretende estudiar de qué forma las intervenciones basadas en la promoción de estilos de vida saludables pueden contribuir a revertir, tratar y prevenir enfermedades crónicas. Se trata de una línea en la que trabaja un grupo multidisciplinar que incluye a diferentes profesionales de la salud y expertos en áreas como la nutrición, la psicología y la actividad física.
2. Servicios de salud y seguridad del paciente.
La investigación en servicios de salud es un campo científico multidisciplinario que examina cómo la población obtiene acceso a los profesionales de la salud y servicios de atención médica, cuánto cuestan los servicios de salud y qué sucede con los pacientes como resultado de la prestación de estos servicios. Nuestro grupo se enfoca específicamente en las áreas de calidad de la atención médica, seguridad del paciente, atención centrada en el paciente y en el desarrollo y evaluación de intervenciones basadas en salud digital para la prevención y manejo de enfermedades crónicas.
3. Epidemiología para la reducción del riesgo cardiovascular.
Las enfermedades cardiovasculares siguen siendo la principal causa de muerte a nivel mundial. Nuestro grupo de investigación lleva a cabo proyectos dirigidos a obtener un mayor conocimiento sobre la incidencia y la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular, así como de las diversas formas de enfermedad cardiovascular en diferentes países y regiones.
4. Cáncer: epidemiología, prevención y tratamiento.
A través de esta línea de investigación estudiamos de qué forma se pueden mejorar los servicios de atención primaria dirigidos a la prevención del cáncer, así como a su tratamiento, vigilancia y cuidados paliativos.
5. Investigación clínica en atención primaria.
La investigación clínica que lleva nuestro grupo en el ámbito de la atención primaria tiene por objetivo generar nuevos conocimientos que ayuden al diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención de enfermedades en humanos.
6. Atención de enfermería.
El objetivo de esta línea es desarrollar y promover acciones de enfermería para la promoción y coordinación de la investigación multidisciplinar y traslacional en el cuidado, favoreciendo el vínculo entre la práctica y la investigación, y posibilitando la implementación de una atención segura y de calidad que mejore la salud del paciente. Esta línea forma parte del Centro Español para los Cuidados de Salud Basada en la Evidencia (CECBE), que forma parte de la Colaboración Internacional Joanna Briggs de la unidad de investigación Investén-isciii del Instituto de Investigaciones Sanitarias Carlos III.
7. Infancia y medio ambiente.
El objetivo de esta línea es estudiar el papel de los contaminantes ambientales más importantes en el aire, el agua y la dieta durante el embarazo y el inicio de la vida, y sus efectos en el crecimiento y desarrollo infantil.

Proyectos liderados por GRAPP-caIB en los últimos 3 años
Impulsando la transferencia de DiabeText, una herramienta digital integrada con la historia clínica para mejorar la salud y calidad de vida de personas con diabetes
IP: Ignacio Ricci Cabello
Financiación: 149.500
Duración: 2023-2024
Expediente contrato/proyecto: PDC2022-133257-I00
Investigadores colaboradores: Claudio Mirasso Santos, Aina Yáñez Juan, Miquel Bennasar Veny, Esperança Amengual Alcover, Jordi Llabrés Bordoy, Elena Gervilla García, Silvia Ortín González, Escarlata Angullo Martínez, Carlos Enrique Herrero, María Asunción Boronat Moreiro, Sofía Mira Martínez, María Zaforteza Dezcallar, María Jesús Serrano Ripoll, María Antònia Fiol de Roque, Rocío Zamanillo Campos.
Methodological Support for the Performance of Literature Reviews within Evidence-based Scientific Assessments.
IP Baleares: Ignacio Ricci Cabello
Financiación: 4.000.000€
Duración: 2022-2026
Expediente contrato/proyecto: OC/EFSA/MESE/2022/03
Investigadores colaboradores: María Adoración Romaguera, Miquel BennAsar Veny
Multimorbilidad en el Sistema Nacional de Salud: Caracterización poblacional e impacto de sus patrones y trayectorias en personas mayores (Proyecto MM-SNS)
IP: Angélica Miguélez Chamorro
Financiación: 33.880,00 €
Duración: 2023-2025
Expediente contrato/proyecto: PI22/01684
Investigadores colaboradores: Bernardino Oliva Fanlo, Patricia Lorente Montalvo, Miguel Bennasar Veny, Joan Llobera Cànaves, Aina Maria Yañez Juan, Maria Antònia Fiol de Roque, Estefania Serratusell Sabater
Intervención de Audit &Feedback para reducir la prescripción Inadecuada de Medicación en pacientes mayores de 65 años en atención primaria. Estudio AIM : Ensayo clínico multicéntrico.
IP: Alfonso Leiva Rus
Financiación: 75.020,00 €
Duración: 2023-2025
Expediente contrato/proyecto: PI22/01669
Investigadores colaboradores: Catalina Vicens Caldentey, Aina Maria Yañez Juan, Mónica Martínez Cengotitabengoa, Ermengol Sempere Verdú, Marta Llarena Fernández, Rita Sainz de Rozas Aparicio, Itxasne Lekue Alkorta, Alba Gallego Royo, Isabel Maria Socias Buades, Agustín González Vicens, Francesc Company Bezares, Maria Lluisa Sastre Martorell, Sebastián Jaume Gayà, Cruz Belén Bartolomé Moreno, Ferrán Bejarano Romero
Intervención de Audit & Feedback para reducir la prescripción de antibióticos en Atención Primaria (Estudio AFA).
IP: Laura Gallardo Alfaro (IP), Aina Soler Mieras (Co-IP)
Agencia financiadora: Proyectos de investigación en salud. Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Financiación: 38.720,00 €
Duración: 2023-2025
Expediente contrato/proyecto: PI22/01742
Investigadores colaboradores: Rafael Torres García, Antònia Roca Casas, Isabel Maria Socias Buades, Kaoutar Ziani Akrirout, Sofía Mira Martínez, Francesc Company Bezares.
Evaluación de SINERGIAPS, una intervención dirigida a mejorar la seguridad del paciente en centros de salud en España en base a las percepciones y experiencias de los propios pacientes.
IP: Ignacio Ricci Cabello
Agencia financiadora: Proyectos de investigación en salud. Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Financiación: 119.790,00 €
Duración: 2023-2025
Expediente contrato/proyecto: PI22/01521
Investigadores colaboradores: José María Valderas, Antonio Olry de Labry Lima, Maria Antonia Fiol de Roque, Sara Guerrero, María Costa Marín, Clara González Formoso, Fernando Isidro Lago, Sofía Mira Martínez
Cohorte IMPaCT. Programa de Medicina Predictiva. Infraestructura de Medicina de Precisión asociada a la Ciencia y Tecnología (IMPaCT).
IP Baleares: Joan Llobera Cànaves (IP), Xènia Chela Álvarez (coordinadora técnica)
Agencia financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Financiación: 233.909,94 €
Duración: 2021-2024
Expediente contrato/proyecto: IMP/00021
Investigadores colaboradores Baleares: Antònia Salvà Fiol, Noemí Pérez García, Eugenia Carandell Jäger, Antònia Roca Casas, Joana Maria Taltavull Aparicio, Oana Bulilete, Joana Ripoll Amengual, Jerònia Miralles Xamena, Caterina Vicens Caldentey
Salud pública y Medicina preventiva de precisión combinando exploración física, hábitos de vida e información genómica: monitorización de la pandemia de obesidad a través de extensión de la CohorteIMPaCT (Obes-IMPaCT)
Agencia financiadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Duración: 2024-2026
Expediente contrato/proyecto: PMP22/00003
Investigadores colaboradores Baleares: Joan Llobera Cànaves, José Ignacio Ramírez Manent, Catalina Villalonga Munar
Validación de la ecografía pulmonar, realizada por médicos de familia, como prueba de imagen inicial para diagnosticar neumonía en pacientes COVID-19
IP: José Ignacio Ramírez Manent
Agencia financiadora: Proyectos de investigación en salud. Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Financiación: 37,510€
Duración: 2022-2024
Expediente contrato/proyecto: PI21/01521
Investigadores colaboradores: Antonia Roca Casas, Ignacio Ramírez Manent, Magdalena Esteva Cantó, Miguel Román Rodríguez, José Corcoll Reixach, Antonio Albaladejo Dávalos, Cristina Gadea Ruíz, Álvaro Moran Bayón.
¿Cómo se pueden reducir de forma efectiva las prescripciones potencialmente inapropiadas en Atención Primaria? Estudio exploratorio para el diseño de una intervención basada en la evidencia.
IP: María Antònia Fiol de Roque
Agencia financiadora: Instituto de Investigacion Sanitaria Illes Balears (IdISBa). Convocatoria intramural IMPETUS 2021
Financiación: 10,000€
Duración: 2022-2023
Expediente contrato/proyecto: IMP21/02
Investigadores colaboradores: Ignacio Ricci Cabello, Aina Soler Mieras, Maria Jesús Serrano-Ripoll, David Medina Bombardó, Elena Gervilla.
Efectividad clínica y erradicación bacteriológica de 4 pautas antibióticas cortas en infecciones urinarias bajas en mujeres adultas (Estudio SCOUT).
IP: Alfonso Leiva Rus
Agencia financiadora: Proyectos de investigación en salud. Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Financiación: 82,500€
Duración: dos años (enero 2021- diciembre 2022)
Expediente contrato/proyecto: ICI20/00128
Investigadores colaboradores: Antonia Roca Casas, José Ignacio Ramírez Manent, Joan Llobera Canaves, Antonio Ballester Camps, Catalina Vicens Caldentey, Aina MariaYañez Juan, Ignacio Ricci Cabello, Aina Soler Mieras, Eva Alcoceba Cruixent, Maria Consuelo Corrionero Soto, Joana Ripoll Amengual
Desarrollo y evaluación de la efectividad, coste-efectividad e implementación de una intervención digital multicomponente de baja intensidad para prevenir diabetes mellitus tipo 2 desde el ámbito de la atención primaria: estudio PREDIABETEXT
IP:Ignacio Ricci Cabello (IP), Escarlata Angullo Martínez (Co-IP)
Agencia financiadora: Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Illes Balears (IdISBa) – convocatoria intramural Sinergias 2020
Financiación: 20,000€
Duración:2 años (enero 2021- diciembre 2022)
Expediente contrato/proyecto: SYN20/04
Investigadores colaboradores: Maria Jesús Serrano Ripoll, Maria Antonia Fiol de Roque, Joan Llobera Canaves, Alfonso Leiva Rus, Oana, BulileteBulilete, JadwigaKonieczna, Elena Gervilla, Miquel Roca Bennasar, Margalida Gili Planas, Mauro García-Toro, Miquel Bennasar Veny, Aina MariaYañez Juan, Aina Galmés Panadés, Maria Adoración Romaguera Bosch, Rafa Jiménez López, Catalina Vicens Caldentey, Rocío Gómez Juanes, Clara Vidal Thomás, Juan José Montaño Moreno
Proyecto de evaluación y actualización de los indicadores de las principales comorbilidades y complicaciones de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2: el caso de la insuficiencia cardiaca.
IP: Ignacio Ricci Cabello (IP), Rocío Zamanillo Campos (Co-IP)
Agencia financiadora: Astrazeneca
Financiación: 20,000€
Duración: 1 año (enero 2021 – diciembre 2021)
Expediente contrato/proyecto: PSID/INDICA
Efectividad y coste-utilidad de la intervención cognitivo-conductual en la consulta de enfermeras y médicos de atención primaria para el tratamiento del insomnio persistente.
IP: Susana González, Isabel Torrens (coIPs)
Agencia financiadora: Proyectos de investigación en salud. Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Financiación: 26,620€
Duración: 2019 – 2021
Expediente contrato/proyecto: PI19/00029
Investigadores colaboradores: Jerónima Miralles, Clara Vidal, Rosa Pizá, Apol•lonia Esteva, Marta Pisà, Patricia Lorente, Catalina Vicens
Cohorte DESVELA. Análisis del papel de las aptitudes personales como determinantes de la incidencia de morbilidad, estilos de vida, calidad de vida, uso de servicios y mortalidad.
IP: Joan Llobera
Agencia financiadora: Proyectos de investigación en salud. Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Financiación: 27,890.50€
Duración: 2019-2022
Expediente contrato/proyecto: PI19/01868
Investigadores colaboradores: David Medina, Jose María Coll, Matías Torrent, Catalina Vicens, Joana Ripoll, Clara Vidal, Oana Bulilete.
Desarrollo, evaluación e implementación a gran escala de PSICOVIDAPP, una intervención psicoeducativa a través de una aplicación móvil para mitigar problemas de salud mental en profesionales sanitarios actuando frente a la pandemia por COVID-19.
IP: Mauro García Toro (IP), Ignacio Ricci Cabello (Co-IP)
Agencia financiadora: Becas Fundación Española de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental 2020.
Financiación: 41,000€
Duración:14 meses (octubre 2020 – diciembre 2021)
Expediente contrato/proyecto: SEP20/01
Investigadores colaboradores: Miquel Bennasar Veny, Maria Antonia Fiol de Roque, Elena Gervilla García, Rafael Jiménez López, Alfonso Leiva Rus, Joan Llobera Canaves, Joan Salvà Coll, Maria Jesús Serrano Ripoll, Rocío Zamanillo Campos, Aina Maria Yáñez Juan, Carolina Sitges, Javier García Campayo, Maria Esther García Buades, Guadalupe Pastor Moreno, Isabel Ruíz Pérez, Pablo Alonso Coello
Estudio de cohortes retrospectivo para valorar el impacto pronóstico de la exposición a fármacos de riesgo COVID-19
IP:Aina Soler Mieras
Agencia financiadora: Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Illes Balears (IdISBa) – convocatoria extraordinaria de expresiones de interés para proyectos de investigación en respuesta a la pandemia por COVID-19 .
Financiación: 9,600€
Duración: 2020 – 2021
Expediente contrato/proyecto: COVID-19/26
Investigadores colaboradores: Amaia Alcorta Lorenzo, Ana Aretio, Gemma Arrufat, Guillem Marc Campins Adrover, Francesc Company Bezares, Barbara Ferrer Jaillard, Angel García Álvarez, Aurelia Iglesias Iglesias, Olatz Pérez Rodríguez, Francisca Ramis Riera, Marta Rovira Vila, Mª Luisa Sastre Martorell, Raquel Seco Melantuche, Ana Vanrell Ballestero, Magdalena Esteva Cantó.
Evolución de la seroprevalencia frente al SARS-CoV-2 en población adulta sana de las Islas Baleares.
IP: Joan Llobera Canaves y Antonio Gayà Oliver.
Agencia financiadora: Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Illes Balears (IdISBa) – convocatoria extraordinaria de expresiones de interés para proyectos de investigación en respuesta a la pandemia por COVID-19
Financiación: 42,680€
Duración: 2020 – 2021
Expediente contrato/proyecto: COVID-19/10
Investigadores colaboradores: OanaBulilete, Javier Calvo Benito, Enrique Girona Llobera, Alfonso Leiva Rus, Antonio Oliver Palomo, Maties Torrent Quetglas.
Efectividad de una intervención basada en el uso de tecnología móvil para la prevención de problemas de salud mental en profesionales sanitarios en primera línea de atención de pacientes con COVID-19.
IP: Ignacio Ricci Cabello y Maria Jesús Serrano Ripoll
Agencia financiadora: Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Illes Balears (IdISBa) – convocatoria extraordinaria de expresiones de interés para proyectos de investigación en respuesta a la pandemia por COVID-19
Financiación: 48,500€
Duración:18 meses (mayo 2020- noviembre 2021)
Expediente contrato/proyecto: COVID-19/06
Investigadores colaboradores: Miquel Bennasar Veny, Maria Antonia Fiol de Roque, Mauro García Toro, Elena Gervilla García, Rafael Jiménez López, Alfonso Leiva Rus, Joan Llobera Canaves, Joan Salvà Coll, Maria Jesús Serrano Ripoll, Rocío Zamanillo Campos, Aina Maria Yáñez Juan, Carolina Sitges, Javier García Campayo, Maria Esther García Buades, Guadalupe Pastor Moreno, Isabel Ruíz Pérez, Pablo Alonso Coello
Impacto del confinamiento por COVID-19 en los estilos de vida y el bienestar emocional de la población adulta de las Illes Balears (COVID-19/23)
Proyectos de investigación sobre el SARSCoV-2 y la COVID-19. GOIB-IdISBa.
Investigadora principal: Joana Ripoll Amengual.
Duración: 2020 – 2021.
Promoviendo la adherencia a medicación antidiabética en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 mediante un sistema de tecnología móvil integrado con historias clínicas informatizadas (RTI2018-096935-A-I00)
Proyectos I+D+i “Retos investigación”. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.
Investigador principal: Ignacio Ricci Cabello.
Duración: 2019 – 2022.
Prevención de la depresión en el medio laboral mediante una intervención personalizada basada en algoritmos de riesgo, TIC y sistemas de ayuda a las decisiones: ensayo controlado aleatorio (PI18/01306)
Proyectos de investigación en salud. Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Investigador principal: Alfonso Leiva Rus.
Duración: 2019 – 2021.
Diagnóstico de cáncer en atención primaria: el valor de la intuición del médico de familia GUT FEELINGS (PI18/01462)
Proyectos de investigación en salud. Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Investigadores principales: Magdalena Esteva Cantó y Bernardino Oliva Fanlo.
Duración: 2019 – 2021.
Necesidades de información e investigación en cáncer de mama desde la perspectiva de las pacientes y los profesionales
Beca V Edición de los Premios Fundación DISA
de Investigación Biomédica 2019. Investigadora principal: Beatriz León Salas (FISSC).
Coinvestigadora principal: Magdalena Esteva Cantó.
Duración: 2019 – 2020.
Diseño de una intervención para la prevención de la depresión en pacientes con sintomatología subclínica a través de la promoción de estilos de vida saludable mediante el uso de una aplicación (App) para smartphone: un estudio formativo (PI005_20)
VII Ayudas Proyectos Investigación AP Mallorca 2020. GAP Mallorca.
Investigadora principal: Mª Jesús Serrano Ripoll.
Duración: 2020 – 2021.
Proyecto de evaluación y actualización de los indicadores de las principales comorbilidades y complicaciones de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2: el caso de la insuficiencia cardiaca (PSID/INDICA) AstraZeneca.
Investigador principal: Ignacio Ricci Cabello.
Duración: 2020 – 2021.
Traducción al catalán y validación psicométrica del cuestionario “Patient Reported Experiences and Outcomes of Safety in Primary Care” PREOS-PC (INAP/SERRANO)
VI Ayudas Proyectos Investigación AP Mallorca 2019. GAP Mallorca.
Investigadora principal: Mª Jesús Serrano Ripoll.
Duración: 2019 – 2020.
Evaluación de la implementación de la ecografía clínica en el área de Atención Primaria de Mallorca (INAP/BULILETE)
VI Ayudas Proyectos Investigación AP Mallorca 2019. GAP Mallorca.
Investigadora principal: Oana Bulilete.
Duración: 2019 – 2020.
Efectividad del automanejo de la medicación, la automonitorización de la presión arterial, dieta y ejercicio físico en la reducción de la presión arterial en pacientes de difícil control (AMADEF) (PI17/02108)
Proyectos de investigación en salud. Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Investigadores principales: Fabián Unda Villafuerte y Fernando Rigo Carratalà.
Duración: 2018 – 2022.
Development and Evaluation of an Intervention based on the Provision of Patient Feedback to Improve Patient Safety in Spanish Primary Care Centres (CP17/00017)
Contrato Miguel Servet Tipo I. Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Investigador principal: Ignacio Ricci Cabello.
Duración: 2018 – 2021.
Camareras de piso y salud (ITS 17-096)
II Convocatoria de ayudas del impuesto de turismo sostenible. GOIB.
Investigador principal: Joan Llobera Cànaves.
Duración: 2018 – 2021.
Eficacia del programa de ejercicios de otago aplicado de forma grupal versus individual en la probabilidad de caídas de personas entre 65-80 años no institucionalizadas (PI16/01316)
Proyectos de investigación en salud. Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Investigadora principal: Jerónima Miralles Xamena.
Duración: 2017 – 2021.
Ensayo clínico, pragmático, abierto con evaluador cegado, aleatorizado para evaluar la eficacia de mantener el tratamiento farmacológico en pacientes con demencia avanzada (PI16/00720)
Proyectos de investigación en salud. Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Investigadora principal: Aina Soler Mieras.
Duración: 2017 – 2021.
Efectividad del uso de tecnologías de la información y comunicación en el incremento de actividad física y pérdida de peso en sujetos obesos y sedentarios. ECA. Estudio EVIDENT III (PI16/00421)
Proyectos de investigación en salud. Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Investigador principal: José Ignacio Ramírez Manent.
Duración: 2017 – 2021.
Investigación sobre los efectos sociosanitarios de la COVID-19 entre la población migrante: el ejemplo de Son Gotleu (Palma). II Convocatoria de investigación de impacto social aplicada al desarrollo humano sostenible en el contexto de la COVID-19.
Oficina de Cooperación al Desarrollo y Solidaridad, UIB.
Investigadora principal: Mª de Lluc Bauzà Amengual.
Duración: 2021
Publicaciones científicas

- 1.Gordito Soler M, López-González Ángel A, Tárraga López PJ, Martínez-Almoyna Rifá E, Martorell Sánchez C, Vicente-Herrero MT, Paublini H, Ramírez-Manent JI. Association of Sociodemographic Variables and Healthy Habits with Body and Visceral Fat Values in Spanish Workers. Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) [Internet]. Switzerland; 2025 Jan.;61(1):150-. and Objectives: The accumulation of fat in the body, especially visceral fat, is associated with various cardiometabolic conditions such as diabetes mellitus and fatty liver. The reasons for the accumulation of this fat are diverse. Some studies, also in the working population, have shown a clear association between sociodemographic variables and health habits with scales that assess overweight and obesity. This study aims to determine how certain sociodemographic variables, such as age, gender, and socioeconomic level, as well as certain healthy habits like physical activity and tobacco consumption, affect the levels of body and visceral fat. Materials and Methods: We conducted a descriptive and cross-sectional study involving 8590 Spanish workers. The percentage of body and visceral fat was measured using a bioimpedance analysis with a Tanita DC 430MA device. Results: Both the average values and the prevalence of elevated body and visceral fat increase with age and decrease with social class and lower levels of physical activity. These values are higher in smokers. A multivariate analysis shows that the variables most influential in increasing the risk of high levels of both body and visceral fat are age and low levels of physical activity. Conclusions: The profile of a person at high risk of having elevated body and visceral fat levels is an older male with a low socioeconomic status who smokes and leads a sedentary lifestyle.
abstract = {Background and Objectives: The accumulation of fat in the body, especially visceral fat, is associated with various cardiometabolic conditions such as diabetes mellitus and fatty liver. The reasons for the accumulation of this fat are diverse. Some studies, also in the working population, have shown a clear association between sociodemographic variables and health habits with scales that assess overweight and obesity. This study aims to determine how certain sociodemographic variables, such as age, gender, and socioeconomic level, as well as certain healthy habits like physical activity and tobacco consumption, affect the levels of body and visceral fat. Materials and Methods: We conducted a descriptive and cross-sectional study involving 8590 Spanish workers. The percentage of body and visceral fat was measured using a bioimpedance analysis with a Tanita DC 430MA device. Results: Both the average values and the prevalence of elevated body and visceral fat increase with age and decrease with social class and lower levels of physical activity. These values are higher in smokers. A multivariate analysis shows that the variables most influential in increasing the risk of high levels of both body and visceral fat are age and low levels of physical activity. Conclusions: The profile of a person at high risk of having elevated body and visceral fat levels is an older male with a low socioeconomic status who smokes and leads a sedentary lifestyle.},
address = {Switzerland},
author = {Gordito Soler, María and López-González, Ángel Arturo and Tárraga López, Pedro Juan and Martínez-Almoyna Rifá, Emilio and Martorell Sánchez, Cristina and Vicente-Herrero, María Teófila and Paublini, Hernan and Ramírez-Manent, José Ignacio},
journal = {Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)},
keywords = {grapp-caib},
month = {jan},
number = 1,
pages = {150--},
title = {Association of Sociodemographic Variables and Healthy Habits with Body and Visceral Fat Values in Spanish Workers},
volume = 61,
year = 2025
}%0 Journal Article
%1 gorditosoler2025association
%A Gordito Soler, María
%A López-González, Ángel Arturo
%A Tárraga López, Pedro Juan
%A Martínez-Almoyna Rifá, Emilio
%A Martorell Sánchez, Cristina
%A Vicente-Herrero, María Teófila
%A Paublini, Hernan
%A Ramírez-Manent, José Ignacio
%C Switzerland
%D 2025
%J Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania)
%N 1
%P 150--
%R 10.3390/medicina61010150
%T Association of Sociodemographic Variables and Healthy Habits with Body and Visceral Fat Values in Spanish Workers
%V 61
%X Background and Objectives: The accumulation of fat in the body, especially visceral fat, is associated with various cardiometabolic conditions such as diabetes mellitus and fatty liver. The reasons for the accumulation of this fat are diverse. Some studies, also in the working population, have shown a clear association between sociodemographic variables and health habits with scales that assess overweight and obesity. This study aims to determine how certain sociodemographic variables, such as age, gender, and socioeconomic level, as well as certain healthy habits like physical activity and tobacco consumption, affect the levels of body and visceral fat. Materials and Methods: We conducted a descriptive and cross-sectional study involving 8590 Spanish workers. The percentage of body and visceral fat was measured using a bioimpedance analysis with a Tanita DC 430MA device. Results: Both the average values and the prevalence of elevated body and visceral fat increase with age and decrease with social class and lower levels of physical activity. These values are higher in smokers. A multivariate analysis shows that the variables most influential in increasing the risk of high levels of both body and visceral fat are age and low levels of physical activity. Conclusions: The profile of a person at high risk of having elevated body and visceral fat levels is an older male with a low socioeconomic status who smokes and leads a sedentary lifestyle. - 1.López-González Ángel A, Martínez-Almoyna Rifá E, Oliveira HP, Sánchez CM, Tárraga López PJ, Ramírez-Manent JI. Association Between Sociodemographic Variables, Healthy Habits, and Stress with Risk Scales for Liver Disease Associated with Metabolic Dysfunction. Life (Basel, Switzerland) [Internet]. Switzerland; 2025 Jan.;15(1):116-. dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) is the most common cause of chronic liver disease worldwide, with a multifactorial etiology. This study aims to evaluate the associations between various sociodemographic variables, healthy habits, and stress with risk scale values for MAFLD. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on 16,708 Spanish workers to assess how sociodemographic variables (age, gender, and socioeconomic status), healthy habits (smoking, Mediterranean diet adherence, and physical activity), and stress correlate with values from three MAFLD risk scales: fatty liver index (FLI), hepatic steatosis index (HSI), and lipid accumulation product (LAP). RESULTS: All analyzed variables were associated with the values of the three MAFLD risk scales. Among them, the variables showing the strongest associations (represented by odds ratio values) were age and physical activity. CONCLUSIONS: The profile of an individual at higher risk of elevated MAFLD risk scale values is a male, aged 50 or older, belonging to lower socioeconomic levels (manual laborers), a smoker, sedentary, with low adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and with high stress scale scores.
abstract = {Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) is the most common cause of chronic liver disease worldwide, with a multifactorial etiology. This study aims to evaluate the associations between various sociodemographic variables, healthy habits, and stress with risk scale values for MAFLD. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on 16,708 Spanish workers to assess how sociodemographic variables (age, gender, and socioeconomic status), healthy habits (smoking, Mediterranean diet adherence, and physical activity), and stress correlate with values from three MAFLD risk scales: fatty liver index (FLI), hepatic steatosis index (HSI), and lipid accumulation product (LAP). RESULTS: All analyzed variables were associated with the values of the three MAFLD risk scales. Among them, the variables showing the strongest associations (represented by odds ratio values) were age and physical activity. CONCLUSIONS: The profile of an individual at higher risk of elevated MAFLD risk scale values is a male, aged 50 or older, belonging to lower socioeconomic levels (manual laborers), a smoker, sedentary, with low adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and with high stress scale scores.},
address = {Switzerland},
author = {López-González, Ángel Arturo and Martínez-Almoyna Rifá, Emilio and Oliveira, Hernán Paublini and Sánchez, Cristina Martorell and Tárraga López, Pedro Juan and Ramírez-Manent, José Ignacio},
journal = {Life (Basel, Switzerland)},
keywords = {grapp-caib},
month = {jan},
number = 1,
pages = {116--},
title = {Association Between Sociodemographic Variables, Healthy Habits, and Stress with Risk Scales for Liver Disease Associated with Metabolic Dysfunction},
volume = 15,
year = 2025
}%0 Journal Article
%1 lopezgonzalez2025association
%A López-González, Ángel Arturo
%A Martínez-Almoyna Rifá, Emilio
%A Oliveira, Hernán Paublini
%A Sánchez, Cristina Martorell
%A Tárraga López, Pedro Juan
%A Ramírez-Manent, José Ignacio
%C Switzerland
%D 2025
%J Life (Basel, Switzerland)
%N 1
%P 116--
%R 10.3390/life15010116
%T Association Between Sociodemographic Variables, Healthy Habits, and Stress with Risk Scales for Liver Disease Associated with Metabolic Dysfunction
%V 15
%X Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) is the most common cause of chronic liver disease worldwide, with a multifactorial etiology. This study aims to evaluate the associations between various sociodemographic variables, healthy habits, and stress with risk scale values for MAFLD. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on 16,708 Spanish workers to assess how sociodemographic variables (age, gender, and socioeconomic status), healthy habits (smoking, Mediterranean diet adherence, and physical activity), and stress correlate with values from three MAFLD risk scales: fatty liver index (FLI), hepatic steatosis index (HSI), and lipid accumulation product (LAP). RESULTS: All analyzed variables were associated with the values of the three MAFLD risk scales. Among them, the variables showing the strongest associations (represented by odds ratio values) were age and physical activity. CONCLUSIONS: The profile of an individual at higher risk of elevated MAFLD risk scale values is a male, aged 50 or older, belonging to lower socioeconomic levels (manual laborers), a smoker, sedentary, with low adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and with high stress scale scores. - 1.López-González Ángel A, Martínez-Almoyna Rifá E, Paublini Oliveira H, Martorell Sánchez C, Tárraga López PJ, Ramírez-Manent JI. Association between sociodemographic variables, healthy habits and stress with diabesity. Clinica e investigacion en arteriosclerosis : publicacion oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Arteriosclerosis [Internet]. Spain; 2025 Jan.;:500754-. Diabesity is a pathological condition that combines obesity and type 2 diabetes in the same individual. Due to the current rise in both conditions, the prevalence of diabesity is increasing worldwide. Its etiology is known to be multifactorial; therefore, the aim of this study is to understand how diabesity is associated with various sociodemographic variables, healthy habits, and stress. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on 24,224 Spanish workers to evaluate the association between diabesity and various factors such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and stress. The criteria used to define diabesity included body mass index (BMI), body fat (BF), and visceral fat (VF). RESULTS: All the aforementioned variables were found to be associated with diabesity. The highest odds ratios (OR) were observed for age, with values ranging from 5.57 (95% CI: 4.48-6.67) when BF was used as the diabesity criterion to 6.89 (95% CI: 5.60-8.19) when VF was the criterion. Similarly, elevated ORs were observed for male gender, with ORs of 6.77 (95% CI: 5.31-8.24) for VF and 3.34 (95% CI: 2.77-3.94) for BF. CONCLUSIONS: In our study, the profile of a person at highest risk of diabesity is a man over 50 years old from a lower socioeconomic status, who is a smoker, regular alcohol consumer, sedentary, with low adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and experiencing high stress levels.
abstract = {INTRODUCTION: Diabesity is a pathological condition that combines obesity and type 2 diabetes in the same individual. Due to the current rise in both conditions, the prevalence of diabesity is increasing worldwide. Its etiology is known to be multifactorial; therefore, the aim of this study is to understand how diabesity is associated with various sociodemographic variables, healthy habits, and stress. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on 24,224 Spanish workers to evaluate the association between diabesity and various factors such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and stress. The criteria used to define diabesity included body mass index (BMI), body fat (BF), and visceral fat (VF). RESULTS: All the aforementioned variables were found to be associated with diabesity. The highest odds ratios (OR) were observed for age, with values ranging from 5.57 (95% CI: 4.48-6.67) when BF was used as the diabesity criterion to 6.89 (95% CI: 5.60-8.19) when VF was the criterion. Similarly, elevated ORs were observed for male gender, with ORs of 6.77 (95% CI: 5.31-8.24) for VF and 3.34 (95% CI: 2.77-3.94) for BF. CONCLUSIONS: In our study, the profile of a person at highest risk of diabesity is a man over 50 years old from a lower socioeconomic status, who is a smoker, regular alcohol consumer, sedentary, with low adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and experiencing high stress levels.},
address = {Spain},
author = {López-González, Ángel Arturo and Martínez-Almoyna Rifá, Emilio and Paublini Oliveira, Hernán and Martorell Sánchez, Cristina and Tárraga López, Pedro Juan and Ramírez-Manent, José Ignacio},
journal = {Clinica e investigacion en arteriosclerosis : publicacion oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Arteriosclerosis},
keywords = {grapp-caib},
month = {jan},
pages = {500754--500754},
title = {Association between sociodemographic variables, healthy habits and stress with diabesity},
year = 2025
}%0 Journal Article
%1 lopezgonzalez2025association
%A López-González, Ángel Arturo
%A Martínez-Almoyna Rifá, Emilio
%A Paublini Oliveira, Hernán
%A Martorell Sánchez, Cristina
%A Tárraga López, Pedro Juan
%A Ramírez-Manent, José Ignacio
%C Spain
%D 2025
%J Clinica e investigacion en arteriosclerosis : publicacion oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Arteriosclerosis
%P 500754--500754
%R 10.1016/j.arteri.2024.500754
%T Association between sociodemographic variables, healthy habits and stress with diabesity
%X INTRODUCTION: Diabesity is a pathological condition that combines obesity and type 2 diabetes in the same individual. Due to the current rise in both conditions, the prevalence of diabesity is increasing worldwide. Its etiology is known to be multifactorial; therefore, the aim of this study is to understand how diabesity is associated with various sociodemographic variables, healthy habits, and stress. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on 24,224 Spanish workers to evaluate the association between diabesity and various factors such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and stress. The criteria used to define diabesity included body mass index (BMI), body fat (BF), and visceral fat (VF). RESULTS: All the aforementioned variables were found to be associated with diabesity. The highest odds ratios (OR) were observed for age, with values ranging from 5.57 (95% CI: 4.48-6.67) when BF was used as the diabesity criterion to 6.89 (95% CI: 5.60-8.19) when VF was the criterion. Similarly, elevated ORs were observed for male gender, with ORs of 6.77 (95% CI: 5.31-8.24) for VF and 3.34 (95% CI: 2.77-3.94) for BF. CONCLUSIONS: In our study, the profile of a person at highest risk of diabesity is a man over 50 years old from a lower socioeconomic status, who is a smoker, regular alcohol consumer, sedentary, with low adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and experiencing high stress levels. - 1.Bescos R, Gallardo-Alfaro L, Ashor A, Rizzolo-Brime L, Siervo M, Casas-Agustench P. Nitrate and nitrite bioavailability in plasma and saliva: Their association with blood pressure - A systematic review and meta-analysis. Free radical biology & medicine [Internet]. United States; 2025 Jan.;226:70-83. this study, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to determine plasma and salivary nitrate (NO(3)(-)) and nitrite (NO(2)(-)) concentrations under resting and fasting conditions in different type of individuals and their association with blood pressure levels. A total of 77 studies, involving 1918 individuals aged 19-74 years (males = 906; females = 1012), which measured plasma and/or salivary NO(3)(-) and NO(2)(-) using the chemiluminescence technique, were included. Mean plasma NO(3)(-) and NO(2)(-) concentrations were 33.9 μmol/L and 158.3 nmol/L, respectively. Subgroup analyses revealed lower plasma NO(3)(-) and NO(2)(-) concentrations in individuals with cardiometabolic risk (NO(3)(-): 21.2 μmol/L; 95 % CI, 13.4-29.0; NO(2)(-): 122.8 nmol/L; 95 % CI, 75.3-138.9) compared to healthy (NO(3)(-): 33.9 μmol/L; 95 % CI, 29.9-37.9; NO(2)(-): 159.5 nmol/L; 95 % CI, 131.8-187.1; P < 0.01) and trained individuals (NO(3)(-): 43.0 μmol/L; 95 % CI, 13.2-72.9; NO(2)(-): 199.3 nmol/L; 95 % CI, 117.6-281; P < 0.01). Mean salivary NO(3)(-) and NO(2)(-) concentrations were 546.2 μmol/L and 197.8 μmol/L, respectively. Salivary NO(3)(-), but no NO(2)(-), concentrations were higher in individuals with cardiometabolic risk (680.0 μmol/L; 95 % CI, 510.2-849.8; P = 0.001) compared to healthy individuals (535.9 μmol/L; 95 % CI, 384.2-687.6). A significant positive association (coefficient, 15.4 [95 % CI, 0.255 to 30.5], P = 0.046) was observed between salivary NO(3)(-) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). These findings suggest that the health status is positively associated with plasma NO(3)(-) and NO(2)(-) concentrations, but the circulatory levels of these anions are not associated with blood pressure. Only salivary NO(3)(-) showed a significant positive association with DBP.
abstract = {In this study, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to determine plasma and salivary nitrate (NO(3)(-)) and nitrite (NO(2)(-)) concentrations under resting and fasting conditions in different type of individuals and their association with blood pressure levels. A total of 77 studies, involving 1918 individuals aged 19-74 years (males = 906; females = 1012), which measured plasma and/or salivary NO(3)(-) and NO(2)(-) using the chemiluminescence technique, were included. Mean plasma NO(3)(-) and NO(2)(-) concentrations were 33.9 μmol/L and 158.3 nmol/L, respectively. Subgroup analyses revealed lower plasma NO(3)(-) and NO(2)(-) concentrations in individuals with cardiometabolic risk (NO(3)(-): 21.2 μmol/L; 95 % CI, 13.4-29.0; NO(2)(-): 122.8 nmol/L; 95 % CI, 75.3-138.9) compared to healthy (NO(3)(-): 33.9 μmol/L; 95 % CI, 29.9-37.9; NO(2)(-): 159.5 nmol/L; 95 % CI, 131.8-187.1; P < 0.01) and trained individuals (NO(3)(-): 43.0 μmol/L; 95 % CI, 13.2-72.9; NO(2)(-): 199.3 nmol/L; 95 % CI, 117.6-281; P < 0.01). Mean salivary NO(3)(-) and NO(2)(-) concentrations were 546.2 μmol/L and 197.8 μmol/L, respectively. Salivary NO(3)(-), but no NO(2)(-), concentrations were higher in individuals with cardiometabolic risk (680.0 μmol/L; 95 % CI, 510.2-849.8; P = 0.001) compared to healthy individuals (535.9 μmol/L; 95 % CI, 384.2-687.6). A significant positive association (coefficient, 15.4 [95 % CI, 0.255 to 30.5], P = 0.046) was observed between salivary NO(3)(-) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). These findings suggest that the health status is positively associated with plasma NO(3)(-) and NO(2)(-) concentrations, but the circulatory levels of these anions are not associated with blood pressure. Only salivary NO(3)(-) showed a significant positive association with DBP.},
address = {United States},
author = {Bescos, Raul and Gallardo-Alfaro, Laura and Ashor, Ammar and Rizzolo-Brime, Lucia and Siervo, Mario and Casas-Agustench, Patricia},
journal = {Free radical biology & medicine},
keywords = {grapp-caib},
month = {jan},
pages = {70--83},
title = {Nitrate and nitrite bioavailability in plasma and saliva: Their association with blood pressure - A systematic review and meta-analysis},
volume = 226,
year = 2025
}%0 Journal Article
%1 bescos2025nitrate
%A Bescos, Raul
%A Gallardo-Alfaro, Laura
%A Ashor, Ammar
%A Rizzolo-Brime, Lucia
%A Siervo, Mario
%A Casas-Agustench, Patricia
%C United States
%D 2025
%J Free radical biology & medicine
%P 70--83
%R 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2024.11.010
%T Nitrate and nitrite bioavailability in plasma and saliva: Their association with blood pressure - A systematic review and meta-analysis
%V 226
%X In this study, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to determine plasma and salivary nitrate (NO(3)(-)) and nitrite (NO(2)(-)) concentrations under resting and fasting conditions in different type of individuals and their association with blood pressure levels. A total of 77 studies, involving 1918 individuals aged 19-74 years (males = 906; females = 1012), which measured plasma and/or salivary NO(3)(-) and NO(2)(-) using the chemiluminescence technique, were included. Mean plasma NO(3)(-) and NO(2)(-) concentrations were 33.9 μmol/L and 158.3 nmol/L, respectively. Subgroup analyses revealed lower plasma NO(3)(-) and NO(2)(-) concentrations in individuals with cardiometabolic risk (NO(3)(-): 21.2 μmol/L; 95 % CI, 13.4-29.0; NO(2)(-): 122.8 nmol/L; 95 % CI, 75.3-138.9) compared to healthy (NO(3)(-): 33.9 μmol/L; 95 % CI, 29.9-37.9; NO(2)(-): 159.5 nmol/L; 95 % CI, 131.8-187.1; P < 0.01) and trained individuals (NO(3)(-): 43.0 μmol/L; 95 % CI, 13.2-72.9; NO(2)(-): 199.3 nmol/L; 95 % CI, 117.6-281; P < 0.01). Mean salivary NO(3)(-) and NO(2)(-) concentrations were 546.2 μmol/L and 197.8 μmol/L, respectively. Salivary NO(3)(-), but no NO(2)(-), concentrations were higher in individuals with cardiometabolic risk (680.0 μmol/L; 95 % CI, 510.2-849.8; P = 0.001) compared to healthy individuals (535.9 μmol/L; 95 % CI, 384.2-687.6). A significant positive association (coefficient, 15.4 [95 % CI, 0.255 to 30.5], P = 0.046) was observed between salivary NO(3)(-) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). These findings suggest that the health status is positively associated with plasma NO(3)(-) and NO(2)(-) concentrations, but the circulatory levels of these anions are not associated with blood pressure. Only salivary NO(3)(-) showed a significant positive association with DBP. - 1.Tárraga Marcos PJ, López-González Ángel A, Martínez-Almoyna Rifá E, Paublini Oliveira H, Martorell Sánchez C, Tárraga López PJ, Ramírez-Manent JI. The Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Hypertriglyceridemic Waist Based on Sociodemographic Variables and Healthy Habits in Healthcare Workers: A Retrospective Study. Life (Basel, Switzerland) [Internet]. Switzerland; 2025 Jan.;15(1):81-. Metabolic syndrome (MetS) and hypertriglyceridemic waist (HTW) are two multifactorial pathological conditions that have been increasing in prevalence worldwide. The objective of this study was to evaluate how various sociodemographic variables and healthy habits are associated with the presence or absence of MetS and HTW. Methodology: This study employed a mixed-methods approach, consisting of a retrospective longitudinal study and a cross-sectional descriptive study, analyzing 44,939 healthcare workers with MS and HTW across four professional categories to evaluate the relationship between age, sex, smoking, physical activity, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet using three diagnostic criteria. Descriptive analysis included categorical and quantitative variables, which were assessed through frequencies, Student's t-test, chi-square, and binary logistic regression models. Logistic regression and Cohen's kappa were used to evaluate associations and concordances. Age, sex, and lack of physical activity showed the strongest associations with MetS (OR: 2.65-2.84). The results highlight the importance of physical activity and other factors in metabolic prevention. Results: Age, sex, and physical activity were the variables most strongly associated with MetS and HTW across the three evaluated diagnostic criteria. The odds ratios revealed significant values: age (9.07-13.71 for MetS and 13.42 for HTW), sex (2.82-3.31 for MetS and 3.72 for HTW), and physical activity (2.65-2.84 for MetS and 2.40 for HTW). Conclusions: The risk of developing MetS and HTW among healthcare personnel is influenced by lifestyle habits, sex, and age, with the highest ORs observed in nursing assistants and orderlies. Future research that delves deeper into the causal relationship between lifestyle factors and the severity of MetS and HTW in healthcare personnel will improve understanding and facilitate the development of preventive activities to reduce their incidence.
abstract = {Introduction: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) and hypertriglyceridemic waist (HTW) are two multifactorial pathological conditions that have been increasing in prevalence worldwide. The objective of this study was to evaluate how various sociodemographic variables and healthy habits are associated with the presence or absence of MetS and HTW. Methodology: This study employed a mixed-methods approach, consisting of a retrospective longitudinal study and a cross-sectional descriptive study, analyzing 44,939 healthcare workers with MS and HTW across four professional categories to evaluate the relationship between age, sex, smoking, physical activity, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet using three diagnostic criteria. Descriptive analysis included categorical and quantitative variables, which were assessed through frequencies, Student's t-test, chi-square, and binary logistic regression models. Logistic regression and Cohen's kappa were used to evaluate associations and concordances. Age, sex, and lack of physical activity showed the strongest associations with MetS (OR: 2.65-2.84). The results highlight the importance of physical activity and other factors in metabolic prevention. Results: Age, sex, and physical activity were the variables most strongly associated with MetS and HTW across the three evaluated diagnostic criteria. The odds ratios revealed significant values: age (9.07-13.71 for MetS and 13.42 for HTW), sex (2.82-3.31 for MetS and 3.72 for HTW), and physical activity (2.65-2.84 for MetS and 2.40 for HTW). Conclusions: The risk of developing MetS and HTW among healthcare personnel is influenced by lifestyle habits, sex, and age, with the highest ORs observed in nursing assistants and orderlies. Future research that delves deeper into the causal relationship between lifestyle factors and the severity of MetS and HTW in healthcare personnel will improve understanding and facilitate the development of preventive activities to reduce their incidence.},
address = {Switzerland},
author = {Tárraga Marcos, Pedro Javier and López-González, Ángel Arturo and Martínez-Almoyna Rifá, Emilio and Paublini Oliveira, Hernán and Martorell Sánchez, Cristina and Tárraga López, Pedro Juan and Ramírez-Manent, José Ignacio},
journal = {Life (Basel, Switzerland)},
keywords = {grapp-caib},
month = {jan},
number = 1,
pages = {81--},
title = {The Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Hypertriglyceridemic Waist Based on Sociodemographic Variables and Healthy Habits in Healthcare Workers: A Retrospective Study},
volume = 15,
year = 2025
}%0 Journal Article
%1 tarragamarcos2025prevalence
%A Tárraga Marcos, Pedro Javier
%A López-González, Ángel Arturo
%A Martínez-Almoyna Rifá, Emilio
%A Paublini Oliveira, Hernán
%A Martorell Sánchez, Cristina
%A Tárraga López, Pedro Juan
%A Ramírez-Manent, José Ignacio
%C Switzerland
%D 2025
%J Life (Basel, Switzerland)
%N 1
%P 81--
%R 10.3390/life15010081
%T The Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Hypertriglyceridemic Waist Based on Sociodemographic Variables and Healthy Habits in Healthcare Workers: A Retrospective Study
%V 15
%X Introduction: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) and hypertriglyceridemic waist (HTW) are two multifactorial pathological conditions that have been increasing in prevalence worldwide. The objective of this study was to evaluate how various sociodemographic variables and healthy habits are associated with the presence or absence of MetS and HTW. Methodology: This study employed a mixed-methods approach, consisting of a retrospective longitudinal study and a cross-sectional descriptive study, analyzing 44,939 healthcare workers with MS and HTW across four professional categories to evaluate the relationship between age, sex, smoking, physical activity, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet using three diagnostic criteria. Descriptive analysis included categorical and quantitative variables, which were assessed through frequencies, Student's t-test, chi-square, and binary logistic regression models. Logistic regression and Cohen's kappa were used to evaluate associations and concordances. Age, sex, and lack of physical activity showed the strongest associations with MetS (OR: 2.65-2.84). The results highlight the importance of physical activity and other factors in metabolic prevention. Results: Age, sex, and physical activity were the variables most strongly associated with MetS and HTW across the three evaluated diagnostic criteria. The odds ratios revealed significant values: age (9.07-13.71 for MetS and 13.42 for HTW), sex (2.82-3.31 for MetS and 3.72 for HTW), and physical activity (2.65-2.84 for MetS and 2.40 for HTW). Conclusions: The risk of developing MetS and HTW among healthcare personnel is influenced by lifestyle habits, sex, and age, with the highest ORs observed in nursing assistants and orderlies. Future research that delves deeper into the causal relationship between lifestyle factors and the severity of MetS and HTW in healthcare personnel will improve understanding and facilitate the development of preventive activities to reduce their incidence.
- 1.Fiol deRoque MA, Serrano-Ripoll MJ, Mira-Martínez S, Pastor-Moreno G, Sitges C, García-Buades ME, Gervilla E, Garcia-Toro M, Zamanillo-Campos R, Ricci-Cabello I. Process evaluation of PsyCovidApp, a digital tool for mobile devices aimed at protecting the mental health of healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed method study. Frontiers in psychology [Internet]. Switzerland; 2024 Mar.;15:1378372-. PsyCovidApp, a digital intervention aimed at safeguarding the mental health of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrated in a randomized clinical trial to yield significant improvements solely among healthcare workers undergoing psychotherapy or receiving psychotropic medication. OBJECTIVES: (1) To identify contextual factors and mechanisms of action that influenced the impact of PsyCovidApp during the aforementioned trial; (2) To pinpoint enhancements for optimizing its efficacy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: For the first objective, a process evaluation was conducted, amalgamating quantitative techniques (surveying 216 healthcare professionals who had utilized PsyCovidApp during the trial) and qualitative methods (in-depth interviews with 16 healthcare workers). The second objective involved a panel of seven experts, utilizing the RAND-UCLA methodology. RESULTS: The quantitative study (response rate = 40%) revealed that 22% of respondents had not fully accessed the content of PsyCovidApp. The average usage time was 22.7 min/day, being higher (p < 0.05) among consumers of psychotropic medications. Contents related to relaxation and mindfulness were most highly rated. Acceptability and usefulness scores ranged between 7.3-7.5/10 points, with higher ratings (p < 0.05) among women and older healthcare workers. The qualitative study uncovered that the primary barriers to using PsyCovidApp were workload, lack of time, and exhaustion. Its primary mechanisms of action included emotion identification, mental health regulation (e.g., insomnia, intense emotions), and learning of techniques and skills. The expert panel reached a consensus on 29 proposals to optimize PsyCovidApp. CONCLUSION: The knowledge derived from this study could inform the design and implementation of future similar digital tools.
abstract = {INTRODUCTION: PsyCovidApp, a digital intervention aimed at safeguarding the mental health of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrated in a randomized clinical trial to yield significant improvements solely among healthcare workers undergoing psychotherapy or receiving psychotropic medication. OBJECTIVES: (1) To identify contextual factors and mechanisms of action that influenced the impact of PsyCovidApp during the aforementioned trial; (2) To pinpoint enhancements for optimizing its efficacy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: For the first objective, a process evaluation was conducted, amalgamating quantitative techniques (surveying 216 healthcare professionals who had utilized PsyCovidApp during the trial) and qualitative methods (in-depth interviews with 16 healthcare workers). The second objective involved a panel of seven experts, utilizing the RAND-UCLA methodology. RESULTS: The quantitative study (response rate = 40%) revealed that 22% of respondents had not fully accessed the content of PsyCovidApp. The average usage time was 22.7 min/day, being higher (p < 0.05) among consumers of psychotropic medications. Contents related to relaxation and mindfulness were most highly rated. Acceptability and usefulness scores ranged between 7.3-7.5/10 points, with higher ratings (p < 0.05) among women and older healthcare workers. The qualitative study uncovered that the primary barriers to using PsyCovidApp were workload, lack of time, and exhaustion. Its primary mechanisms of action included emotion identification, mental health regulation (e.g., insomnia, intense emotions), and learning of techniques and skills. The expert panel reached a consensus on 29 proposals to optimize PsyCovidApp. CONCLUSION: The knowledge derived from this study could inform the design and implementation of future similar digital tools.},
address = {Switzerland},
author = {Fiol deRoque, Maria A and Serrano-Ripoll, Maria J and Mira-Martínez, Sofia and Pastor-Moreno, Guadalupe and Sitges, Carolina and García-Buades, M Esther and Gervilla, Elena and Garcia-Toro, Mauro and Zamanillo-Campos, Rocío and Ricci-Cabello, Ignacio},
journal = {Frontiers in psychology},
keywords = {grapp-caib},
month = {mar},
pages = {1378372--1378372},
title = {Process evaluation of PsyCovidApp, a digital tool for mobile devices aimed at protecting the mental health of healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed method study},
volume = 15,
year = 2024
}%0 Journal Article
%1 fiolderoque2024process
%A Fiol deRoque, Maria A
%A Serrano-Ripoll, Maria J
%A Mira-Martínez, Sofia
%A Pastor-Moreno, Guadalupe
%A Sitges, Carolina
%A García-Buades, M Esther
%A Gervilla, Elena
%A Garcia-Toro, Mauro
%A Zamanillo-Campos, Rocío
%A Ricci-Cabello, Ignacio
%C Switzerland
%D 2024
%J Frontiers in psychology
%P 1378372--1378372
%R 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1378372
%T Process evaluation of PsyCovidApp, a digital tool for mobile devices aimed at protecting the mental health of healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed method study
%V 15
%X INTRODUCTION: PsyCovidApp, a digital intervention aimed at safeguarding the mental health of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrated in a randomized clinical trial to yield significant improvements solely among healthcare workers undergoing psychotherapy or receiving psychotropic medication. OBJECTIVES: (1) To identify contextual factors and mechanisms of action that influenced the impact of PsyCovidApp during the aforementioned trial; (2) To pinpoint enhancements for optimizing its efficacy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: For the first objective, a process evaluation was conducted, amalgamating quantitative techniques (surveying 216 healthcare professionals who had utilized PsyCovidApp during the trial) and qualitative methods (in-depth interviews with 16 healthcare workers). The second objective involved a panel of seven experts, utilizing the RAND-UCLA methodology. RESULTS: The quantitative study (response rate = 40%) revealed that 22% of respondents had not fully accessed the content of PsyCovidApp. The average usage time was 22.7 min/day, being higher (p < 0.05) among consumers of psychotropic medications. Contents related to relaxation and mindfulness were most highly rated. Acceptability and usefulness scores ranged between 7.3-7.5/10 points, with higher ratings (p < 0.05) among women and older healthcare workers. The qualitative study uncovered that the primary barriers to using PsyCovidApp were workload, lack of time, and exhaustion. Its primary mechanisms of action included emotion identification, mental health regulation (e.g., insomnia, intense emotions), and learning of techniques and skills. The expert panel reached a consensus on 29 proposals to optimize PsyCovidApp. CONCLUSION: The knowledge derived from this study could inform the design and implementation of future similar digital tools.