Patient safety, a shared priority.
In Spain, around three million adverse events occur each year in Primary Care health centers, accounting for 6% of hospital admissions.Most of these adverse events can be prevented with adequate resources.
World Patient Safety Day 2023: Involving patients for the sake of patient safety.
The World Health Organization has announced that September 17 will be celebrated as World Patient Safety Day 2023, with this year's theme being "Involving patients for the sake of patient safety," recognizing the key role that patients, families, and caregivers play in the safety of healthcare.
The Sinergi-APS tool aims to help Primary Care health centers improve patient safety by reducing adverse events.
Interested in using Sinergi-APS?
We encourage researchers, managers, and healthcare centers to use SinergiAPS. Over the next few months, we will recruit a total of 120 healthcare centers from all autonomous communities in Spain to participate in a new study on the use of Sinergi-APS. Contact us through the following form, and we will explain how to participate!
What is the Sinergi-APS tool?
There are different ways to improve patient safety, many of which involve the correct identification of incidents and adverse events. The patient themselves is an essential source of this information, as they have a firsthand, comprehensive view of the care they receive. However, their perspective has traditionally been ignored. Based on this premise, we have developed the SinergiAPS tool (“Synergies between professionals and patients for Safe Primary Care”).
SinergiAPS aims to improve patient safety in Primary Care health centers through the perspective and experiences of the patients themselves.
SinergiAPS has been designed jointly by a multidisciplinary team, including both patients and healthcare professionals from primary care. SinergiAPS consists of the following components: 1) assessment of the patient safety level in the health center through a questionnaire addressed to patients, 2) automatic creation of specific outcome reports for each health center, allowing professionals to learn directly from the patients about the patient safety status in their center and develop specific measures to improve it, and 3) follow-up and evaluation of the proposed measures.
How to use the SinergiAPS tool?
1. Assess the level of patient safety in your health center.

How do I assess patient safety?
This tool allows the assessment of patient safety from the perspective of the patients, using the validated questionnaire Patient Reported Experiences and Outcomes of Safety in Primary Care (PREOS-PC). The questionnaire is completed online through a specific link for each health center, generated by the SinergiAPS web tool. Health centers can invite their patients to complete the questionnaire via email, SMS, or through posters in the health centers with QR codes. Patients can also complete the questionnaire at the health center itself, administered by healthcare professionals. It is recommended to collect a sample of around 150 questionnaires per health center to obtain accurate results.
2. Obtain the survey results from your patients.

How do I receive the survey results from the patients in my center?
Once the questionnaires are completed, SinergiAPS automatically generates a report with the results of the audit. This report is specific to each health center and includes a comparison with other participating centers to facilitate benchmarking. Health centers are encouraged to form a working group consisting of around 3-6 professionals, with a designated leader. This team is responsible for gaining access to the result reports and other functionalities of the SinergiAPS web tool.
3. Design your action plans.

How do I design and implement patient safety improvement plans for my center?
The working team of each center meets to design patient safety improvement plans based on the issues identified in the result report for their center. To this end, the SinergiAPS web tool provides a series of resources, training materials, and recommendations on how to improve patient safety in Primary Care. It also offers a follow-up template to collect and evaluate the measures proposed by the centers to address the potential safety issues identified.
How was the SinergiAPS tool developed?

First, we conducted systematic literature reviews on tools to involve patients in patient safety and on the use of questionnaires to improve the quality of healthcare for patients. Subsequently, we conducted a series of studies interviewing patients and primary care professionals, who actively participated in the design of SinergiAPS. On the other hand, we carried out the translation and transcultural adaptation of the PREOS-PC questionnaire (the basis of the SinergiAPS intervention, as it is the questionnaire used for auditing health centers). Once developed, we piloted SinergiAPS in a study involving 10 health centers in Mallorca. This study showed the potential of the intervention to reduce the rate of avoidable hospitalizations, which decreased by 42% (p=0.07), as well as to identify improvements in the intervention that were introduced before its evaluation in the clinical trial. Subsequently, SinergiAPS was evaluated in a clinical trial with 59 health centers in Mallorca and Catalonia (12 months of follow-up).
The trial, which concluded in September 2021, was heavily affected by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, so health centers were unable to carry out the intervention as originally planned. However, in a qualitative study with primary care professionals who received the SinergiAPS intervention during the clinical trial, we observed a high level of acceptability and perceived usefulness of SinergiAPS among healthcare professionals.
For more information on the preliminary results of the clinical trial, check out our video presentation and infographic.
What do health centers that have already used SinergiAPS think?

SinergiAPS has already been used in more than 40 health centers, which have participated in various research studies aimed at evaluating this tool. We have interviewed over fifteen primary care professionals who have used SinergiAPS for months, and they highlight that:
- The involvement of patients through the questionnaire is essential for improving patient safety.
- The SinergiAPS tool (simple yet comprehensive) has great value, and therefore, they recommend its routine use in Health Centers.
“ SinergiAPS has helped us identify the critical points. And it has made us step up our efforts”
Health center doctor in Mallorca.
“Before, it was very difficult; we had no way of analyzing what the patient thought, and now we do.”
Health center nurse in Tarragona.
Scientific publications on SinergiAPS.

- Serrano-Ripoll MJ, Fiol-deRoque MA, Valderas JM, Zamanillo-Campos R, Llobera J, de Labry Lima AO, et al. Feasibility of the SINERGIAPS (“Sinergias entre profesionales y pacientes para una Atención Primaria Segura”) intervention for improving patient safety in primary care. Family practice. 2022.
- Ricci-Cabello I, Yañez-Juan AM, Fiol-deRoque MA, Leiva A, Llobera Canaves J, Parmentier FBR, et al. Assessing the Impact of Multi-Morbidity and Related Constructs on Patient Reported Safety in Primary Care: Generalized Structural Equation Modelling of Observational Data. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021;10(8).
- Mounce LTA, Salema N-E, Gangannagaripalli J, Ricci-Cabello I, Avery AJ, Kadam UT, et al. Development of 2 Short Patient-Report Questionnaires of Patient Safety in Primary Care. Journal of patient safety. 2021.
- Fiol-deRoque MA, Serrano-Ripol MJ, Gens-Barberà M, Sánchez E, Mayer MA, Martín-Luján F, et al. [Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patient-reported patient safety in Primary Care]. Atencion primaria. 2021;53 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):102222.
- Serrano-Ripoll MJ, Ripoll J, Briones-Vozmediano E, Llobera J, Fiol-deRoque MA, Ricci-Cabello I. Exploring primary health care professionals’ perceptions about a patient feedback intervention to improve patient safety in Spanish primary health care centres: a qualitative study. Family practice. 2020.
- Serrano-Ripoll MJ, Llobera J, Valderas J, Olry de Labry Lima A, Fiol-deRoque MA, Ripoll J, et al. Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Validation and Piloting of the Patient Reported Experiences and Outcomes of Safety in Primary Care (PREOS-PC) Questionnaire for Its Use in Spain. Journal of Patient Safety – aceptado 14 octubre 2020. 2020.
- Ricci-Cabello I, Gangannagaripalli J, Mounce LTA, Valderas JM. Identifying Factors Leading to Harm in English General Practices: A Mixed-Methods Study Based on Patient Experiences Integrating Structural Equation Modeling and Qualitative Content Analysis. Journal of patient safety. 2020.
- Campbell SM, Bell BG, Marsden K, Spencer R, Kadam U, Perryman K, et al. A Patient Safety Toolkit for Family Practices. Journal of patient safety. 2020;16(3):e182-e6.
- Serrano-Ripoll MJ, Ripoll J, Llobera J, Valderas JM, Pastor-Moreno G, Olry de Labry Lima A, et al. Development and evaluation of an intervention based on the provision of patient feedback to improve patient safety in Spanish primary healthcare centres: study protocol. BMJ open. 2019;9(12):e031367.
- Ricci-Cabello I, Stevens S, Dalton ARH, Griffiths RI, Campbell JL, Valderas JM. Identifying Primary Care Pathways from Quality of Care to Outcomes and Satisfaction Using Structural Equation Modeling. Health services research. 2018;53(1):430-49.
- Ricci-Cabello I, Saletti-Cuesta L, Slight SP, Valderas JM. Identifying patient-centred recommendations for improving patient safety in General Practices in England: a qualitative content analysis of free-text responses using the Patient Reported Experiences and Outcomes of Safety in Primary Care (PREOS-PC) questionnaire. Health expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy. 2017;20(5):961-72.
- Ricci-Cabello I, Reeves D, Bell BG, Valderas JM. Identifying patient and practice characteristics associated with patient-reported experiences of safety problems and harm: a cross-sectional study using a multilevel modelling approach. BMJ quality & safety. 2017;26(11):899-907.
- Ricci-Cabello I, Marsden KS, Avery AJ, Bell BG, Kadam UT, Reeves D, et al. Patients’ evaluations of patient safety in English general practices: a cross-sectional study. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners. 2017;67(660):e474-e82.
- Ricci-Cabello I, Pons-Vigués M, Berenguera A, Pujol-Ribera E, Slight SP, Valderas JM. Patients’ perceptions and experiences of patient safety in primary care in England. Family practice. 2016;33(5):535-42.
- Ricci-Cabello I, Avery AJ, Reeves D, Kadam UT, Valderas JM. Measuring Patient Safety in Primary Care: The Development and Validation of the “Patient Reported Experiences and Outcomes of Safety in Primary Care” (PREOS-PC). Annals of family medicine. 2016;14(3):253-61.
- Ricci-Cabello I, Gonçalves DC, Rojas-García A, Valderas JM. Measuring experiences and outcomes of patient safety in primary care: a systematic review of available instruments. Family practice. 2015;32(1):106-19.
Funding Institutions

SinergiAPS is the result of support from multiple funding agencies, both national, international, and regional.
- Evaluation of SINERGIAPS, an intervention aimed at improving patient safety in health centers in Spain based on the perceptions and experiences of the patients themselves: Hybrid clinical trial type I. Total: €223,850. Principal Investigator Coordinator: Ignacio Ricci Cabello. Period: 01/01/2023 to 31/12/2025.
- Development and Evaluation of an Intervention based on the provision of Patient Feedback to Improve Patient Safety in Spanish Primary Care Centres. Funding Agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Total: €86,050. Principal Investigator: Ignacio Ricci Cabello. Period: 01/01/2018 to 01/09/2021.
- Translation and Validation of the PREOS-PC Questionnaire into Catalan.
Funding Agency: Primary Care Management of Mallorca. Total: €2,000. Principal Investigator: María Jesús Serrano Ripoll, IdISBa. Period: 01/01/2019 – 01/01/2020. - The development of an online patient safety questionnaire for primary care.
Funding Agency: “East Midlands and West Midlands Academic Health Science Networks”, United Kingdom. Total: £68,144.00. Principal Investigator: Prof. Tony Avery, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom). Period: 1/10/2017 – 30/6/2019. - Developing, testing and implementing the NSPCR Patient Safety Toolkit in general practices in England.
Funding Agency: School for Primary Care Research, National Institute for Health Research, UK. Total: £569,740.00. Principal Investigator: Prof. Tony Avery, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom). Period: 1/10/2011 – 31/12/2013.
Interested in using SinergiAPS?

We encourage researchers, managers, and health centers to use SinergiAPS. Contact us through the following form, and we will explain how you can access and start using the tool.